Weight Loss Planner - Get Your Digital Planner Template PDF for iPad: GoodNotes, Notability Light Theme

Best Weight Loss Planner

Weight Loss Planner - Get Your Digital Planner Template PDF for iPad: GoodNotes, Notability

9,90 €
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65 iPad Planer

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Very often, being overweight negatively affects the quality of our life. It's time to lose weight, watch what you eat, improve your fitness and become more vigorous, healthier and more active.

Make a diet plan for the coming weeks, keep a recipe journal, write down what exercises you need to do for physical activity, take measurements of your body and calculate how many extra pounds you lost.

This handy Digital Weight Loss Planner will be a good motivator to change your lifestyle for the better. Download it to your tablet and keep it with you at home and during training to quickly track food intake, exercise performed and other components necessary to take care of your health.



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Custom dates

Individuelle daten

die zu Ihren bedürfnissen passen

Customize Your Planner

Passen Sie Ihren Planer an

gestalten Sie ihn so, wie es zu Ihrem Leben passt, indem Sie die passenden Layouts auswählen.

Sunday / Monday

Sonntag / Montag

wählen sie den starttag der woche, der ihnen am besten passt

Editing mode


zeichnen, schreiben und skizzieren sie unterwegs

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Samsung Notes

Samsung Notes

Weight Loss Planner - Get Your Digital Planner Template PDF for iPad: GoodNotes, Notability

9,90 €
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65 iPad Planer

+Zukünftige Veröffentlichungen & Updates
19,97 €
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Nach dem Kauf können Sie Ihren Planer oder Ihr Paket beliebig oft anpassen und herunterladen – ganz ohne Zusatzkosten.