iPad Gratitude Planner
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65 iPad Planners
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This planner is designed specifically to make you feel proud of yourself, appreciate the things you've accomplished and express your appreciation to those close to you. Plan your time correctly and enhance your mindfulness by putting important tasks on your agenda.
Schedule your goals for the future and strive to achieve them! More often please yourself and your loved ones, enjoy the feeling of happiness from every day you have lived and will certainly obtain success in any direction.
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Individuelle daten
die zu Ihren bedürfnissen passen
Passen Sie Ihren Planer
an gestalten sie ihren planer nach ihrem leben, indem sie die am besten geeigneten layouts auswählen
Sonntag / Montag
wählen sie den starttag der woche, der ihnen am besten passt
zeichnen, schreiben und skizzieren sie unterwegs




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